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Agenda of Speakers

Organization Description Speech Title Speaker
Arizona Angels Private Accredited Investors Organization "Angel Investors" Greg Cobb
Arizona Venture Capital Conference   "Attending The AVCC Can Help Prepare Entrepreneurs In Their Capital Search" Terree Wasley Arizona Software and Internet Association "How Presenting At A Conference Such As Investing In Innovations Can Help" Stacey Savant
eStreet Capital Venture capital company "Venture Capital" Randy Pullen
FirstTuesday Phoenix Networking organization matches entrepreneurs with investors "Networking Can Help Find Investors" Carolyn Sechler
Hunter Wise Investment Banking Firm "Investment Banking For Expansion Capital" Kirk Kroloff
Imperial Bank Banking "Venture Banking" Rob Gramhill Private Incubator "Business Incubators and the Capital Raising Process" Paul Ward
Magnet Capital SBIC "Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Financing" Mike Shields Accelerator for New Economy Companies "Helping Companies Become Attractive to Outside Investment" Ed Nusbaum
Weinberg Legal Law Firm "Protecting Intellectual Property" John Cummerford
Wells Fargo Bank Bank "Traditional Bank Loans for Business" Steve Medaglia
West Cap Partners Private Equity Fund "Private Equity" Len Lillard

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The "Find The Money Trade Show"™ is part of "The U.S. & The New Economy: Global Arizona" program, a landmark trade & investment summit and executive education symposium. For details on this program email Martin Diano at or call 602.978.7927.